What is your favourite season?

Cold, grey, snowy and icy.  Temperatures as low as -18C, sunset by 3:30pm, frozen lakes and waterfalls…the Swedish winter is more hardcore than any of the winters I experienced in the UK.  There are days when it feels like the sun never rises, when just going outside to pick up one’s mail involves the long-winded routine of putting on a thick coat, gloves, hat and scarf.

So, what’s to like about this season?

Put simply, Urshult in the snow is BEAUTIFUL.  As this is my first year here, every season is new to me.  And every season I think, “this one is my favourite”.  In spring the trees in the forest exploded into life, exhibiting an indescribably magnificent green.  Locals wax lyrical about the exact hue of this spring green and it really is something to behold.  ‘Surely this is Urshult at its best?’  I thought.

Urshult spring

Forest on Sirkovagen spring 2015

In summer we had lake swimming, boat trips, barbecues and parties.  It is the season to meet up with friends and family, languish in gardens and pootle about in one’s boat.  Surely this was Urshult at its most fun?

summer Urshult

Launching our new boat onto Lake Asnen in late summer 2015

In autumn the same trees that were a beautiful shade of green became tinged with reds, golds and browns; a symphony of autumnal beauty.  Surely this is Urshult at its most magnificent?

autumn Urshult

Tree turning gold for autumn.  Bjurkarr Nature Reserve autumn 2015.

And in winter, Sweden looks…well…like Narnia – quite magical.  It’s the only way I can think to describe it.  Around Lake Asnen everything is still and quiet.  The lake freezes over, the tree branches are so laden with snow that they barely move.  Everything looks prettier and like a Hollywood film set for a Christmas movie.

winter Urshult

Lake Asnen November 2015

In the run-up to Christmas the streets and houses of Urshult are strung with Christmas lights and there is a feeling of happy expectancy.

So, I guess my favourite season in Urshult is…whichever season I am currently in.  There is something to enjoy about each of them.  What is your favourite season?

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5 Responses to What is your favourite season?

  1. Glad to finally see a new post on your blog! and the descriptions and photography are really beautiful. Urshult is wonderful 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. J says:

    Våren vid Åsnen är krispigt ljusgrönt och stilla!!
    Sommaren vid Åsnen är magisk och i kvällssolens ljus över en spegelblank sjö blir livet lite underbarare!
    Hösten vid Åsnen är guld glimrande och skiftningarna man ser i träden när man står vid strandkanten är så det tar luften ur mig.
    Vintern vid Åsnen är vit, fluffig, klar och tyst och bländande. hälsningar från Grimsvik

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anna Holm says:

    Våren, våren, våren! Jag gillar nog alla årstider, men våren är den absoluta favoriten. Vintrar utan snö är inte särskilt roliga eller vackra. Och dessutom alldeles för långa…
    Så vi är på väg åt rätt håll!
    Anna H

    Liked by 1 person

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